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Indigenous Arts & Stories - little yellow house

little yellow house

2016 - Art Winner

Justice Jacinto

Surrey, BC
Sagkeeng First Nations
Age 17

Author's Statement

The painting is my mooshum's house back home in Sagkeeng. I titled it little yellow house because it may be small and not much to others but it holds so much importance to me. I painted the house because when I go back home and stay in that little yellow house with my mooshum, something inside me feels content and at home. Being in Sagkeeng is different from living out here in British Columbia, the contrast of seeing the beautiful mountains to the plains my people walked on; it is like I am connected to land, that I did not grow up on. I always think of what it would be like to live close to my family and not two provinces away. I don't dwell on the fact that we do live far, instead I cherish the time I have when we do go visit home. My mooshum teaches me something new each time we go back home. I listen to everything he says although he begs to differ, and write down or continue sharing the teachings he has given me. This painting I am sharing with you is apart of my story of me reclaiming my culture and learning more and more about it as I grow into a young woman. Miigwech and All my relations.